Efficacy of Core Stability Exercise and Aerobic Exercise in Improve In Quality Of Life in Underweight Female with Primary Dysmenorrhea.-A Pilot Study

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Sandhiya M, Senthil Selvam P, B.Fouzia Banu


Background: Dysmenorrhea is one of the common gynecological disorder that affects women’s Quality of Life. Study shows that core stability exercise increase blood flow to pelvis and decrease prostaglandin level which reduce pain in dysmenorrhea. Other studies shows that aerobic exercise reduce stress and improves relaxation thereby reduce in pain. So this current study is done to assess the efficacy of core stability exercise and aerobic exercise in improve in Quality of Life in underweight female with primary dysmenorrhea.

Aim of the Study: Evaluate the efficacy of core stability exercise and aerobic exercise in improve in Quality of Life in underweight female with primary dysmenorrhea.

Research Design: Experimental Design

Methodology: An experimental study was carried out among 30 female participants’ age 18- 23 based on inclusion and exclusion criteria and divided into 2groups. Group A received core stability exercise and Group A received aerobic exercise. Both groups were given exercise for 8weeks. Pre and post interventions assessment was carried out by MOOS Menstrual Distress Questionnaire (MMDQ), SF 36 Questionnaire and Visual Analogue Scale (VAS).

Result: The inter-group analysis showed that Group A (core stability exercise) is significantly effective than Group B (aerobic exercise) in terms of improvement in the values of SF 36 Questionnaire scores and in terms of reduction in the values of MMDQ and VAS. Conclusion: This study concludes that Group A (Core Stability Exercises) is significantly effective than Group B (Aerobic Exercise) in terms of improvement in QUALITY OF LIFE of primary dysmenorrhea among underweight women.


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