Study of Professional Commitment with Respect to Gender, Location and Teaching Experience among Secondary School Teachers of Punjab

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Dr. Poonam Mahajan, Dr. Amit Kauts


The present paper aimed to explore to the Professional commitment among secondary school teachers with respect to gender, location and teaching experience. A sample of 960 secondary school teachers were selected through stratified random sampling technique. For the sake of data collection, Professional Commitment (PC – Saini&Kauts; 2016) was used for the present study.In order to find out the significant differences in Employability skills three-way analysis of variance (2×2×3) factorial design involving two types of gender i.e. male and female; two types of locale i.e. rural and urban and three groups of teaching experience namely less than 10 years, 11-20 years and 21years and above, was applied. It was found that female secondary school teachers teaching in urban areas exhibited higher professional commitment than male secondary school teachers teaching in rural areas.     It was also revealed that Teachers with experience group ranging from 11-20 years and teacher with experience of less than 10 years were found to be highly committed teachers than teachers with experience 21years & above further it was also found no difference in the Professional Commitment of male and female secondary school teachers, teaching in rural and urban areas with different ranges of teaching experience.

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