Secondary School Teachers Views on Biological Science Textbook of Class IX with Respect to Gender and Experience

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Rashmirekha Das, Prof. Lokanath Mishra


Text-books are the source for providing the necessary prescribed content material to the student of a particular class. (Garte, S.P. and Despande, L.1997). The text-books have to realise the aims and objectives of science instruction and the aims and objectives of the course in general (D. Baker and Piburn M. 1991). The text-books of science have to meet the individual as well as social requirements. Furthermore, research has shown that using well designed textbooks or curriculum material can positively influence teacher beliefs and practices, aiding curriculum implementation (Davis, 2009; Newton and Newton, 2006; Davis, 2003a; Izsak and Sherin, 2003; McKenney, 2001) So, the contents of the science text-books should be such that it can fulfil the social as well as individual needs. Now-a-days our society is suffering severely from environmental problems like 'Air Pollution', 'Water Pollution', 'Radio Active Pollution' etc. Their effect causes 'Global Warming', 'Green House Effect'.' Acid rain', Ozone layer depletion etc. which are dangerous for living as well as non-living bodies

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