Students’ Satisfaction with Public Services in Higher Education Institutions: The Case of Vietnam

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Huy-Hoang Tran, Duc-Minh Nguyen, Hao Thi Nguyen, Ngoc Hai Tran


In the current competitive higher education environment in Vietnam, higher education institutions have focussed more on quality education services to improve students’ satisfaction, which is considered an important factor for attracting and retaining students of these higher education institutions. This research aimed to examine Vietnamese students’ satisfaction level about the quality of education services offered by the universities in 11 provinces in Vietnam. A total number of 25,631 students from those Vietnamese universities participated in the survey. The research results showed that the students were generally satisfied with the quality of education services provided by Vietnamese universities in those provinces.In addition,students' satisfaction of the quality of higher education services is influenced by three factors including educational activities, educational environment and access to education. The study also provided several implications, for those universities in particular and other Vietnamese higher education institutions in general, to enhance their education services to improve the level of education service quality for attracting and retaining students.

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