The Use of Flipbook to Improve The Early Childhood Students’ English Vocabulary Mastery

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Tiyas Saputri, Djuwari, Djuwari, Nailul Authar, Syamsul Ghufron, Shafira Asfar, M. Sholahuddin AL Ayubi


Due to a lack of vocabulary mastery, many early childhood students have difficulty acquiring and conveying messages. The purpose of this study was to learn more about the effectiveness of using a Flipbook to improve early childhood students' English vocabulary mastery. It is conducted to investigate whether using Flipbook may help the students improve their understanding of English vocabulary and interest to learn it through fun and meaningful learning. This study used action research which undergoes four steps: plan, act, observe and reflection. The data were collected through test, observation and interview then analyzed descriptively using qualitative. Based on the result, from the thirty early childhood students, twenty five of them can have six correct answers, while the five of them can have three correct answers. Finally, the result of the analysis of the post-test showed that majority students can have six correct answers (83%) while only minority students can have three correct answers (17%). Therefore, based on the analysis, using Flipbook approach is effective in improving students’ English vocabulary. Furthermore, the students’ showed positive responses in the post intervention interview and they were fun and interested with the implemented intervention and have meaningful learning. Further research can be conducted by developing this flipbook as the media for English vocabulary mastery.

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