The Effect of Gamification on Student’s Learning Motivation: A Mini Review
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Background: Motivation is a psychological process that describes the activation of an individual to perform a behaviour by unobservable internal or external stimuli. Voluntary effort, which is closely related to motivation, is required for success in all types of work, not just education. A student's motivation is high if he or she is enthusiastic about learning the material presented in a lesson and acts accordingly. Despite the fact that teachers are constantly looking for new teaching methods and approaches, it is widely acknowledged that motivation and participation are major issues in today's schools.
Objectives: In this article, a literature review focuses on the to identify a novel technique for increasing student learning motivation.
Methods: A literature review was conducted in order to identify a novel technique for increasing student learning motivation.
Results: According to the findings, gamification is one of the most promising methods for engaging students in learning. The use of educational games as a learning tool reinforces not only knowledge but also important skills like problem-solving, collaboration, and communication. Gamification also makes learning more active and enjoyable for both teachers and students. Educational games have recently become more affordable and diverse.
Conclusions: Gamification applications are gaining popularity among students from kindergarten to college. They become more engaged in complex challenges and challenging tasks by using gamification software and simple strategies.