Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) – Present and Future Applications in Dentistry
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Background:Optical coherence tomography(OCT) is an evolving optical technology thatis capable of delivering real time and high resolution imaging of soft and hard tissuestructures. OCT is analogous to ultrasound imaging except that it uses light instead ofsound. OCT can function as a type of optical biopsy and is a powerful imagingtechnology in medical and dental diagnosis.
Objectives:The reviews aims to identify the various potential applications and challenges inthe use of the optical coherence tomography (OCT) in the field of dentistry.
Results: A thorough literature review reveals the presence of an effective role ofOCT in the diagnosis of dental caries, secondary caries, defective restorations, oralprecancerous and cancerous lesions, gingival ailments and periodontal diseases. Witha number of advantages supported by literature OCT has the potential to become amainstay of futuristic diagnosis.
Conclusions:OCT is a new and emerging diagnostic tool in the medical field. Its expanseinto the dental field would result in non-invasive and quick diagnosis of oral diseases.Earlier and quicker the diagnosis, the better the treatment optionsincluding a greater chance of prevention rather than cure. With the evolution ofmedicine and dentistry into a more modern and digital one, OCT has the potential tobecome the norm of dental diagnosis.