Influence of Brand on Cosmetics Purchase Decisions of Young Women in Chennai

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Dr. G. H. Kerinab Beenu, Ms. S. Rathika


This main objective of the study is to identify the influence of Brand awareness and brand meaning on cosmetic purchase decision.  In India there is ever rising demand for cosmetics due to the high urban population, growth in literacy level, rise in the percentage of women joining work force, Increase in income and disposable income, mass media penetration, influence of western culture and ever green need of people especially women for remaining young and beautiful. This scenario has paved way for the entry of many foreign players into the Indian cosmetic sector. Today, there is plethora of brands in the market leading to brand war among cosmetic marketers. The company that succeeds in capturing the mind share of the customer succeeds in the market. For building brand image, brand awareness is to be first created and meaning associations are to be made by buyers. This study attempts to find if there is relationship between brand awareness and brand meaning on cosmetic purchase decision. Empirical study has been conducted using convenient sampling among 418 young women in Chennai.


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