Students' Religious Character Development based on Exemplary: Study at MA Miftahul Huda Subang

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Muchamad Rifki, Sofyan Sauri, Aam Abdussalam, Udin Supriadi


This paper aims to provide an explanation of the process of developing the religious character of students based on the example of teachers at MA Miftahul Huda Subang. This departs from a view that success in developing religious character values ​​in an educational process cannot be separated from the example given by the teacher to the students. This research belongs to the type of qualitative with the method used is a case study (case study). Then the approach used is descriptive-qualitative. Meanwhile, data analysis was carried out using descriptive-analytical techniques. The results of this paper indicate that at MA Miftahul Huda Subang, the development of students' religious character based on the teacher's example is indicated by the development of values ​​that lead to the formation of students' religious character, such as obedient attitudes to worship, good behavior according to religious teachings, speaking with courtesy and mutual respect with fellow madrasah. Then the development of religious character is carried out by when the teacher is inside and outside the classroom, and also by utilizing verbal and non-verbal communication.

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