Understanding Gender Justice through the Lenses of Amartya Sen’s Capability Approach
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Human beings are the real wealth of every society, thus, it is important to provide them the environment in which they have the freedom to achieve the things they reason to value. Amartya Sen offers his "capability approach" in this context, which contends that the degree of freedom people have to advance and carry out duties they value should be the primary criterion for evaluating social systems. This paper first seeks to comprehend the theoretical underpinnings of Sen's capability approach before exploring how it might be used to understand gender justice. The capabilities approach directly addresses the level of life quality that individuals can reasonably attain. These ideas of "functioning" and "capability," are used as the core concepts to analyze the quality of life. It seems ironic that women's rights are violated because of their sex. Many women around the world experience unequal treatment when it comes to employment, physical integrity and safety, access to basic healthcare and nutrition, education, and political voice. Sen's capability approach is notable for producing gender justice by emphasizing women's independence, which enables them to live a dignified life.